bad weather in your area?

Our students and staff members live in Regina, and the surrounding areas. As we all know, weather patterns can vary across this amount of area.

If you have bad weather conditions in your area and you think travel to class is not possible, please send our coordinator an email. Contact us.

2023/24 winter weather policy

In the event winter weather impacts our Saturday morning classes, here is what you can expect from das Schulhaus.

Friday by 7pm: We will always try to communicate the night before, ideally by Friday at 7pm. There are times when this may not be possible, and there may be times we communicate well before 7pm. It will depend on the circumstances which can vary from one storm to the next.

Zoom: If in person class is not possible due to bad weather, our first choice is to have a Zoom class. If the storm is of such a magnitude that there are outages, we recognize Zoom may not be possible in those cases. Each storm will be assessed on a situation by situation basis.

Class Cancellation: If a class cannot be held in person, nor on Zoom, our last resort is a class cancellation. If a class is cancelled due to force majeure, a make up class will not be held. Students will be excused from their weekly attendance.